WIN Seminar



Among other highly interesting sessions, the WIN Seminar on „Tax challenges of matrix organizations, new work and the war for talent“ will be an absolute highlight on Tuesday from 4-5.30 pm. This seminar, organized by the Women in IFA Network, will address the tax challenges of matrix organizations, new work and the „war for talent“. For example, managers of corporate functions are now often not located where the employees of the relevant departments are based, or central functions are often no longer performed at the location of the group parent company, but in another group company at a different location. As a result, group tax departments have to deal with the question of the possible establishment of a permanent establishment with a wide range of follow-up questions, in particular with regard to structuring options, questions of profit allocation and with regard to the fulfilment of the corresponding compliance obligations. The administrative burden for the companies, but also for the tax administration, is often high, sometimes out of proportion to the financial impact. The WIN seminar focuses on these challenges and discusses the different perspectives of several countries. In addition to practical considerations on how to avoid micro permanent establishments in such cases, the seminar will address the legal solutions currently under discussion.

WIN Seminar on Tax Challenges of Matrix Organizations, New Work and the War for Talent

Sahel Ahyaie Assar
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney
Sandra Benedetto
PwC Chile
Dr. Veronika Daurer
Federal Ministry of Finance Republic of Austria
Shefali Goradia
Deloitte India
An de Reymaeker
Vandendijk & Partners Belgium
Daniela Steierberg
Moderation / Chair
Nordex SE Germany
Katharina Rapp
Organization / Secretary
EY Germany